APR 13, 2016 WAWA: 8 Rounds, Rocky-style!

I’m feeling a little “punchy” this week, meaning I want to incorporate a little “boxing” theme into our WAWA.  We’ll do 4 bouts of 8 rounds each!  Each round is 1 minute in duration.  In between each bout, we’ll do some relay races including a “chasing down the chicken” event that you’re sure to love!  (Remember the scene in Rocky II where Coach Mickey had Rocky try to catch a chicken??  Moving like “grease lightening”!)

Let’s meet on the downstairs basketball court of the Cornwell Center.  We’ll do a quick bit of stretching then one warm up lap outside…..it’s gonna be a beautiful morning….50 degrees and clear!

See you on Wednesday, ready to start at 5:40 am.  Boxing gloves and mouth pieces are optional!

WAWA location:  The Cornwell Center

WAWA time:  5:40 am – 6:30 am

Warm Up:

-Stretching on basketball court

-1 lap easy jog around Cornwell Center:  Turn right outside the Center, jog down to the first traffic light, turn right onto Queens, turn right onto Roswell, turn right onto Wellseley, right onto Selwyn and then back into the Cornwell Center.  Distance is approximately 0.6 miles.

8 Rounds Workout:

Each “bout” will have the following 8 stations set up on the downstairs basketball court:

  • Station 1:  Battle Ropes
  • Station 2:  Bear Crawl, 20 meters and back
  • Station 3:  Jump Rope
  • Station 4:  BOSU ball, kickbacks with medium dumb bells
  • Station 5:  Riser jumps
  • Station 6:  Medicine ball bounce
  • Station 7:  Ground to Overhead plate presses
  • Station 8:  Staggered pushups

We’ll do 1 minute at each station.  We’ll complete 4 bouts during the WAWA.

Relays in-between bouts:

Relay 1:  Chase down the chicken

Relay 2:  Climbing the Philadelphia Museum of Art stairs

Relay 3:  Bouncing the Rubber Ball

Cool Down and Devotional:

Workout Leader:  Mike Lenhart (aka “Apollo Creed”)

Devotional Leader:  Mike Lenhart (aka “Coach Mick”)