APR 20, 2016 WAWA: 35 Minutes of Booty (Loop)!

Many around Charlotte know about the annual 24 Hours of Booty cycling event that raises money for charities affiliated with cancer research.  The route is roughly a 5 km (3.1 miles) around our beautiful, Myers Park neighborhood.  For this week’s WAWA, I want to take everyone outdoors for a baseline run.  “Baseline” meaning I want you to gauge your current running fitness level.  For the next few months, about every 6-8 weeks, we’ll do this assessment to measure how you’re doing.  I’m not keeping records but I do think everyone should track their fitness progress measured against some goals.

If you don’t have any current fitness goals, then I’d encourage you to create some.  Maybe you want to run a race in the next few months?  Maybe you want to loose weight or increase muscle or both?  Or perhaps you just want to have something to shoot for?  Regardless, tomorrow will be less screaming…..I mean, “encouragement”….from me, and more you against a friendly stopwatch to see how you do!

Meet downstairs in the Cornwell Center basketball court ready to go at 5:40 am.

We’ll stretch for about 5 minutes, run for 35-40 minutes depending on your efforts, then cool-down/devotional for the last 5 minutes.

My WAWA goal is to get you out the door by 6:30 am!

Tomorrow morning will be a beautiful day, by the way.  Temperature will be 60F at WAWA start!

Workout Leader:  Mike Lenhart

Devotional Leader:  Mike Lenhart